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Albin gives talk on Nattens gudinna at Interaction | Unfinished

Here comes an invitation from friends in Alibier, Norway!


Interaction | Unfinished is a one-day event on interaction in arts, larp and entertainment in Oslo, Norway. Daytime, we have short stories told by creators of interactive pieces. Nighttime, we have “tasting pieces” where you can experience or more interactive pieces.

Short Stories

  • The Dinner Party – Anna Karin Linder
  • Larping Into a Museum – Jaakko Stenros
  • Collectively Creating Interaction – Albin Werle
  • Musical Theater of the Future – Cesar Alvarez
  • Co-creating political landscapes in theatre-based larp – James Harper
  • Getting Americans to Touch Each Other – Johanna Koljonen and Bjarke Pedersen
    (more coming soon!)


  • Open Movement Concert – Lo Ersare
  • The Eight Palace – Nina Runa Essendrop and Cesar Alvarez
  • Goddess of the Night – Albin Werle
    (more coming soon!)


  • Place: Kulturhuset Youngstorget 3, 0181 Oslo, Norway
  • 20 February at 11:00–23:00
  • Facebook event
  • Tickets

The event is part of Laivdagene / Week-in Norway organized by Knutepunkt and produced by Alibier. The event is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council.



Albin Werle is a visual artist and a member of the Nyxxx collective. He is currently doing his masters degree at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. His work consists of formulating real and imaginary games in a variety of materials, ranging from ceramics and 3D-printing to choreography and conversations.

Exploring the esthetics of interaction and asking how artists, activists and philosophers can turn into game designers, he seeks to merge the “art world” with the “game world”.

Nattens Gudinna (Goddess of the Night) is written to be performed in a traditional theatre institution. In their work, the art collective Nyxxx focus on utilizing non-hierarchical collaborations internally, and strive to invite the workers of the institution and the participants in the performance to take part in formulating its content.

Podcast #13 – Tactical Meditations Mixtape


This podacast is a non-verbal mixtape derived from our piece Tactical Meditations.

The music can also be found high-res on Soundcloud.

Nattens gudinna in progress


Our new work for Uppsala stadsteater is developing. The workshops has started to materialize the fantasies of a kind of temple where different shrines will enable the audience to engage with collective rituals.

Albin Werle has proposed the spatial design of the piece. This shrine is the most complicated structure, inspired by shinto architecture that we encountered on our trip to Japan last winter.



We have also had the opportunity to hang out with a Ellen Norlund and Mira Andersson who will perform in the piece together with Fransisco Sobrado (not in the picture). Nattens gudinna will engage with the hand as an interface between us and the world.


Foto: Micke Sandström

Foto: Micke Sandström

Foto: Micke Sandström

This table will be transformed into a kind of stage for the hands.



We are also happy to have producer Sara Fors on the team! Rehearsals starts in December and the premier will be January 26, 2017.

Locus suspectus, intempesta nocte.

The Hospitality – Now in French!

When we wrote the larp-inspired social game The Hospitality for Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival in 2014, we were under the influence of different French philosophers, such as Bataille, Derrida and Barthes. Since then, this ultra comfortable spaceship saga about collective agency and loss has appeared and disappeared in Linköping (ung scen/öst), Stockholm (Scenario Festival) and Oslo (Grenselandet). But this autumn, something extra ordinary happened: Stephane Rigoni translated The Hospitality into French and along with Stéphanie Ailloud and Batiste Carpinetty run it this August during the third instalment of LaboGN, a Larp summer camp in France.


The game run had 20 players, and a lot of cool light that we never thought of ourselves. What more is, The Hospitality might be staged in France again. One player from the first French run wants to take it to her home town, and the scenario will also be posted soon on a French portal for sharing Larp scenarios of different kinds. It feels like quite a beautiful thing that this very anti-ownership scenario goes on a road trip without us. On croise les doigts pour L’Hospitalité!




Taktiska meditationer på Turteatern & Inkonst & Charlottenborg

Svärmar, drönande och kollektiv kontemplation av och för cyborger i kris


Du vänder dig bort från världen och kliver in en ljudande och lysande zon. Du ser dig omkring. Någon kommer fram till dig. Du får ett erbjudande. Du tackar ja. Undandragandet accelerar. Du kopplas samman med olika spel, system och kroppar. Du utforskar och tar fram nya taktiker. Du drönar. Du ansluter dig till svärmen. Du kopplar av. Du vilar dig fram till en handling. Du upprättar ett politiskt paradigm. Det blir paradigmskifte. Du identifierar, förstärker och förändrar dina överlevnadsstrategier. De handlar inte längre om överlevnad, utan om att överskrida det du försöker leva med. Du ser på världen från andra sidan den svarta spegeln. Du swipar vidare.

Rummet öppnas kl 18 men du kommer när det passar och lämnar när du känner dig klar.


Premiär 11 februari 2016 på Turteatern, T-Kärrtorp, Stockholm.

Spelar även 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 februari kl 18-21 på Turteatern.


6, 7, 8, 9 april kl 18-21 på Inkonst.


15, 16, 17 april  18.00-21.00 at School of walls and space. Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Copenhagen. (Facebook event)

Nyxxx består av Elize Arvefjord, Tova Gerge, Ebba Petrén, Kerstin Weimers, Albin Werle, Gabriel Widing. Verket genomförs med stöd av Konstnärsnämnden, Kulturrådet och Turteatern.

Tactical Meditations

Swarms, droning and collective contemplation by and for cyborgs in crisis.

You turn your back to the world and step into a sounding space. You look around. Someone comes up to you with a proposal. You accept. The withdrawal accelerates. You connect to different games, systems and bodies. You explore and produce new tactics. You are droning. You join the swarm. You disconnect. You rest your way into an action. You install a political paradigm. There is a shift of paradigm. You identify, reinforce and modify your strategies for survival. They are now no longer about survival, but about surpassing what you are trying to cope with. You look back at the world from the other side of the black mirror. You touch the screen.

The room opens at 18.00, but you come when you want to  and leave when you’re ready.

The performing arts collective Nyxxx makes works that the audience experience by participating. The collective has previously visited Turteatern & Inkonst with Avatarvaro (2012) and Human Agency (2014).


Premiere 11 February 2016 18.00 at Turteatern, Kärrtorp, Stockholm.

Plays 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 February 18.00-21.00 at Turteatern.


6, 7, 8, 9 April 18.00-21.00 at Inkonst.


15, 16, 17 APRIL  18.00-21.00 at School of walls and space. Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Copenhagen. (Facebook event)

Nyxxx is Elize Arvefjord, Tova Gerge, Ebba Petrén, Kerstin Weimers, Albin Werle, Gabriel Widing.

TM was produced with support from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Swedish Arts Council and Turteatern.

Join Teaser

Check out the the teaser trailer of Join, part English, part Swedish, part Danish. Featuring Matthias Hahne Thorbjörnsson, Liv Vesterskov, Thom Kiraly, shot by Ilkka Häikiö, edited by Gabriel Widing.

Nyxxx Summer Space


Elize and Drones

In beginning of june Nyxxx spend a week together at Smoke Screen Studios (Rökridån), Stockholm working on new ideas. Enjoy some photos from the game jam, choreography, concert etc that happened in spaces for tactical meditation!











Thanks to everyone who came to the work-in-progress and thanks to Konstnärsnämnden and Kulturådet supporting our work!


Avsnitt #9 – Ropes & Roles


Ebba, Tova & Gabriel host a conversation with the Berlin-based choreographers Dasniya Sommer and Frances d’Ath, that visited Nyxxx & KokoroTwo & Rökridån for a working residency the 28th of April-4th of May in 2015. When the conversation starts, we have just participated in a shibari yoga class guided by Dasniya. From this point of reference, we go on to discuss among many other things exoskeletons, religious metaphors and the invention of rope as a parallel to the invention of the wheel.

Postcard from PAF


Sun is shining, food is delicious, getting a lot of work done and hang out with great people. 


Greeting from Nyxxx

Greetings from Nyxxx

We have spent a couple of weeks at the Performing Arts Forum in St Erme, France. We participated in the Spring Meeting with lectures by philosophers Eleni Ikoniadou, Ray Brassier and Katerina Kolozova. It was nine intense days of thinking future, sound, time, feminism, post-capitalism etc. Between lectures participants presented artistic and theoretical proposals open for everyone. Nyxxx hosted several sessions circling around collective voice and text. Both during the lectures and aside from them we facilitated co-writing sessions. Within a set time frame short fictive stories were written by several writers in the same document simultaneously. We also hosted a collective voice meditation. During the stay we’ve also started working on a new piece that will be presented early 2016.

Thanks to Swedish Arts Grant Comittee / Konstnärsnämden for supporting our stay!

Proudly presenting: Dasniya Sommer in residence!


During April 27th-May 4th, Nyxxx and coorganizer Kokoro2 host their first artistic residency together. We have the pleasure to receive the Berlin-based choreographer Dasniya Sommer for a week of reflection and exchange. She, like us, has an interest for interaction and intimacy in her performance work. Together, we want to create a platform for exploring such artistic practices.

In connection to the residence, Dasniya will host a couple of public workshop around one of her important working tools, namely rope. She is also performing at 18.00 on Sunday May the 3rd.

Are you interested in participating in one of the workshops, want to know more about the performance or have other questions? Write to kokoro2.info@gmail.com

About Dasniya Sommer

Dasniya Sommer is a choreographer and dancer based in Berlin. She has trained ballet and yoga since early childhood, and received her formal dance training in Berlin and New York. Between 2007 and 2009 Dasniya Sommer co–founded and developed the venue Schwelle7, an experimental project space in Berlin. Her choreographic focus has for many years been Japanese rope bondage (aka shibari) and classical ballet. Drawing also on her academic studies in ethics and aesthetics, her performances often question stereotypical body concepts and related styles of fetishising. In recent years, she has developed a technique she calls ”messy tying” that combines traditional elements with improvisation principles in a kind of ”punk” bondage.

To learn more about her work, visit her home page: http://dasniyasommer.de/


Workshop on Yoga and Shibari with Dasniya Sommer

Saturday May 2nd, 14:00–17:00

Since 2007, Dasniya Sommer conceptualizes workshops which combine shibari and yoga. This will be the first time she offers such a workshop in Sweden. Yoga allows us to develop a sense of our own body anatomy. The simultaneous perception of one’s own breathing and body-map is important, as is to be able to meet other bodies while playing with rope. In some of the asanas (yoga postures) we will integrate ropes. The touch of the rope helps clarify one’s investigation of the posture, and mixes the sensual and manual skills of bodies and ropes. In the second part of the workshop, we mix different rope techniques and stir things up. In pair or group situations in which we develop a bodily conversation, we see expressions of queer, grotesque or purely abstract play. We will work here also with methods drawn from dance and contact improvisation, and elements from role-playing games.

Beginners in yoga and rope are equally welcome. There are still free spots.


Workshop on Self-Suspension in ropes with Dasniya Sommer

Sunday May 3rd, 14:00–17:00

The work MA√ 15 { idiosyncrasy } || sin x = ly – fx2 (see documentation here ) is probably Dasniya Sommer’s most famous self-suspension piece. It gained wider recognition in contemporary dance in 2009 and toured internationally. While acrobatic endurance and virtuosity is one possibility with self-suspension work, there are also many other aspects that this expression allows. It is a dialogue with one’s own body and limits as well as with gravity and sensory experience. It is an opportunity for both meditation and playful exploration. In this workshop, Dasniya Sommer gives tools for entering this practice from the angles that are interesting for the individual, in a group of no more than 10 people.
Some prior experience with shibari technique is beneficial. The workshop is preliminary fully booked.

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