When we wrote the larp-inspired social game The Hospitality for Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival in 2014, we were under the influence of different French philosophers, such as Bataille, Derrida and Barthes. Since then, this ultra comfortable spaceship saga about collective agency and loss has appeared and disappeared in Linköping (ung scen/öst), Stockholm (Scenario Festival) and Oslo (Grenselandet). But this autumn, something extra ordinary happened: Stephane Rigoni translated The Hospitality into French and along with Stéphanie Ailloud and Batiste Carpinetty run it this August during the third instalment of LaboGN, a Larp summer camp in France.


The game run had 20 players, and a lot of cool light that we never thought of ourselves. What more is, The Hospitality might be staged in France again. One player from the first French run wants to take it to her home town, and the scenario will also be posted soon on a French portal for sharing Larp scenarios of different kinds. It feels like quite a beautiful thing that this very anti-ownership scenario goes on a road trip without us. On croise les doigts pour L’Hospitalité!